13 Main St.
Turner, ME 04282
(207) 225-3646
To use my experience in creating user friendly reports with complex requirements, data analysis, database programming, and statistics in a part-time programming position.
M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 1990
B.S., Mathematics, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, MA 1988
Webmaster and Herdsman
Goodnow Jersey Farm, Turner, Maine
Designed web site,
which was the featured "Down on the Farm" website on
an agricultural website from England; and which was the featured website
of the month for the University of
Maine Cooperative Extension's email publication Cows
and Crops. Developed an Access database that generates web pages
from dairy production and pedigree information. Milk 28 cows twice a day.
Maintain the barn, pasture, woodlot, and farm equipment. Continued the
tradition of earning the annual high quality milk award. Herd average went
from 17,267 lbs of milk to 19,242 lbs of milk in 22 months.
Franklin Memorial Hospital,
Farmington, Maine
Developed a statistical test and designed multiple reports
to help determine from patient satisfaction surveys the type of patient
who might not recommend a hospital and to help determine the type of patient
who might be dissatisfied with various aspects of hospital care. Developed
an Access database to create Excel spreadsheets with over 50 hyperlinked
reports using Visual Basic for Applications.
Talk America, Portland, Maine
Validated the data integrity and identified programming
problems in the order entry, general ledger, shipping, media sourcing,
purchase order, and return authorization systems on a Microsoft SQL server
database. Analyzed SQL stored procedures, Crystal reports, Visual Basic
for Applications, and Access databases.
Outcome Research Analyst
Androscoggin Home Health Services, Lewiston, Maine
Developed a datamart to analyze 1.25 million home health
visits using FoxPro. Answered questions posed by senior management and
supervisors using the datamart. Developed reports to determine the impact
of a capitated reimbursement system. Suggested quality standards and the
means of measuring the standards. Developed quality indicator reports.
Assisted in the development and analysis of a patient satisfaction survey.
G/L System Specialist
Fleet Bank of Massachusetts,
Holyoke, Mass
Involved in the conversion process when Heritage Bank
was taken over by Fleet Bank. Developed a program to convert Heritage Bank's
G/L to Fleet Bank's G/L for daily transmission to Fleet Bank. Designed
a database to monitor over $50 million in non-performing loans. Developed
programs to reconcile G/L accounts.
G/L System Specialist
Heritage Bank for Savings, Holyoke, Mass
Processed financial data to the general ledger from 25
branches. Served as backup to process all information necessary to produce
a daily financial statement with $1.3 billion in assets. Responsible for
programming and providing technical assistance for an automation project
which reduced the daily financial statement production time from three
days to one day. Researched and designed a financial model to estimate
future retirement benefits costs for 382 current and retired employees
to comply with FASB 106, Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension. Reduced
ticket errors from 8% to less than 1/2%.
Ken Constantine, Ph.D., Eastern
Nazarene College, Quincy, Mass
Designed SAS programs to examine engineering data using
standard regression analysis and analysis of variance.
Research Clerk
Stop and Shop,
Inc., Quincy, Mass
Developed statistical programs to maximize the utilization
of data by the marketing research department. Made extensive use of SAS,
Office Specialist, Boston, Mass
Redesigned a book inventory program at Warren, Graham,
and Lamont.
Languages | html, javascript, R, SAS, Visual Basic for
Applications, Perl, C, Pascal, FORTRAN
Databases | Microsoft SQL Server 6.0, Microsoft Access
97, FoxPro 2.6, Alpha 4
Programs | Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, LaTeX, Pagemaker, Platinum,
Systems |
NT 3.51 and 4.0, Windows 95, UNIX , System 7, VMS, VM/CMS |